Saturday, February 4, 2012

Letchworth Hiking Trip

       Today I was involved in a hiking trip for my Backpacking class here at Houghton College.  We left Houghton, NY at 9:00 am and arrived at Letchworth State Park with packs on our backs and boots on our feet.  It was a chilly 30 degree morning but ended with a vibrant sun overhead that heated us up enough to remove a few layers and our gloves.  All in all we had a great time, enjoying fellowship with classmates and new experience shared with laughter and discussion over music, gear, and new and exciting hobbies.

Below are some of the majestic shots that were taken along our 5 mile hike. Enjoy!

Misting Snow & Ice Upper Falls Letchworth

 Iced Trail Letchworth

 Railroad & Iced Trail Letchworth

 Middle Falls Letchworth

Rock Climbing, Tyler Kempney

Rock Climbing, Tyler Kempney

Rebellious, Tyler Kempney