Today a few friends of mine and I went and hiked the 83-acre glacial kettle lake known as Moss Lake Bog, located in Caneadea, NY just outside of Houghton, NY. Moss Lake is unusual from other lakes or ponds in that it doesn't receive enough water to overflow the bowl or "kettle" in which it sits. Water only leaves the lake through ground seepage or evaporation. The lake is home to an uncountable amount of catfish. Along with the catfish are carnivorous plant and over 75 species of birds have been spotted. The bog is protected by the Nature Conservancy and was declared a National Natural Landmark in May 1973.
Below are some picture that were taken along our hike. Enjoy and comment!
Sunset, Moss Lake
Peat Moss atop the water, Moss Lake
Dock to the water, Moss Lake
Sunset in woods, Moss Lake
The entire bog, Moss Lake
Signs, Moss Lake
Sunset on shore, Moss Lake
Moss path, Moss Lake